Hi, I am Kristel.

A product designer with a passion for crafting user-friendly digital experiences. Currently based in Tallinn and designing Catalog experiences for Printify.

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I am a UI/UX focused product designer.

I have an insatiable appetite for visual harmony, design systems, and effective communication with end-users. Over the last three years, I've had the pleasure of honing these skills while working with innovative startups like Veriff and Printify, as well as helping smaller companies give their websites a facelift through my freelance work.

My passion for design fuels my dedication to constantly improve my craft and tackle new challenges. I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to grow and create beautiful, user-centered products.

Featured projects

Brentex Redesign

Designing a new look and a better UX for the competitive market.

Design Systems |

Freelance |

Web Design

See case study

Veriff - Automated Selfie capture

A shift from manual to automation. How to help a user through the flow seamlessly?

Product Design |

MobileDesign |

Usability Research

See case study

Brentex: Case Study


Lead Designer

Entreprenurial project


Kristjan Lember

Lauri Kase


AUG 2022

(3 months in total)

the Problem

Outdated website hindering online growth in the trailer sales market.

Brentex is a trailer selling company that had fallen behind established competitors due to an outdated website that reduced their ability to attract and retain customers. They needed to develop a more competitive website solution that met their customers' needs and helped them compete more effectively.

Square gradient

Process overview

Step 1

Unique Value Proposition

Guiding the Design process

Step 2

Design System

Ensuring consistency throughout the website

Step 3


Ideating concepts to build a solution on

Step 4

Implement and Iterate

Solution according to bussiness objectives

Unique Value proposition

User Centered Design Canvas

To guide the design process for this project, we employed the User Centered Design Canvas, a valuable tool for combining user needs with business goals. The canvas comprises four main areas, including user needs and pain points, user demographics, business needs and market fit, and a unique value proposition. Working collaboratively with the team, we defined and utilized these areas to facilitate the website design.

Design system creation

Brand focused Design System

I created a Design System that aligned with the client's brand guidelines and included a robust component library to ensure consistency in UI and UX. The resulting system established a recognizable brand identity and successfully met the client's specific needs and overall business objectives.

The process: Ideation

Solution Ideation

Using insights from the User Centered Design Canvas and design system, a range of design ideas were generated through facilitated ideation sessions with the team. From this range of concepts, a set of ideas was carefully selected based on user needs, business objectives, and technical feasibility to take forward in the design process.

Landing page initial variations

The solution: Web

The solution: Mobile


The resulting website helped Brentex compete more effectively in the trailer sales market and improve their online growth. By utilizing a user-centered design approach, a user-centered design canvas, and a design system, the team was able to address the issue of an outdated website and create a more competitive solution that met both user needs and business objectives.

Veriff: Case Study


Product Designer


Raul Liive (Senior PM)

Maria Vous (Researcher)


NOV 2021

(1,5 months in total)

the Problem

Seamless User Experience: Automating Face Image Capture

Veriff's face identification service relied on a manual selfie capture process, which resulted in low-quality images and that impacted conversion and automation rates. The company aimed to improve the user experience by implementing automatic image capture, enabling a touch-free experience and reducing image quality issues.

The challenge was to design a seamless and user-friendly solution for automatic photo capture that would meet the company's technical requirements and business goals.

Square gradient

Process overview

Step 1

Empathize and Define

Scoping the problem & analysing competitors.

Step 2


Brainstorm and generate ideas

Step 3

Prototype and Test

Prepare a working prototype to test

Step 4

Iterate and Launch

Post-test refinement and launching

Empathize and define

Research & Brainstorm

The initial step of the design process involved identifying the problem at hand - the current process of verifying user's identity through a self capture was found to be time-consuming, inconvenient and poorly performing. The objective was to create a solution that streamlined the process and enhanced the overall user experience.

To achieve this, we explored existing solutions and researched facial recognition and selfie capture technologies while keeping in mind factors such as user privacy and security. From the results I created a mood board to provided us with a clear understanding of the existing landscape and to enable opportunities for innovation.


Generating Solutions

The ideation process was informed by the mood board. In generating potential solutions, I considered various factors, including user experience, technical feasibility, and market viability.

After generating potential solutions, I showcased the possible solutions in a design review session to analyse and evaluate the approaches. From these sessions, we decided on the best solution to start testing on. The objective was to ensure that the solution we chose was not only technically sound but also met the user's needs and expectations while being viable in the market.

Ideating on automation starting point

Chosen flow to test on

Prototype and test

The Approach

To validate the design solution a usability testing was conducted together with the UX researcher. The goals of the testing were to validate the design and copy, find issues, and get insights that could help create a better overall user experience.

Three hypotheses were formed, including:

  1. Providing a UI that follows the user's face will make it clearer to the user where the selfie is needed to be captured,
  2. Communicating on-screen in the UI will result in high-quality self-portraits, and
  3. The automated selfie-capture is seamless and easily adaptable to users.

The testing was designed to measure how many users went through the automatic vs fallbacks to manual flow, the percentage of users going through the flow seamlessly vs those bringing out problems, and the quality of photos.

Usability Test Learnings

The testing was conducted in several stages, starting with a small group of users and gradually expanding to a larger sample size, resulting with an overall of 9 users. The feedback from each stage of testing was used to refine and improve the solution.

Learning 1

Usability vs Security

While it was important to make the process of capturing a selfie as easy and intuitive as possible for users, it was also crucial to ensure that the solution was secure and could accurately verify the user's identity.

Learning 2

Instructions Matter

Users needed to be provided with clear and concise instructions on how to use the solution. This was particularly important for users who were less familiar with technology or who had limited experience with selfie capture.

Iterate and launch

Finalised Solution

After the usability testing was completed, we reviewed the results and identified areas for improvement. Based on the feedback, we made adjustments to the solution, including improving the messaging and interface to make the selfie capture process clearer and more intuitive.


After launch, we continued to monitor user feedback and usage data to further refine and optimize the solution. Due to confidentiality reasons I cannot reveal data on the solution but can say that currently all self portraits are done with the Automated Selfie Capture.

Brentex: Case Study

See case study

